In mid-April, like the swallows returning to San Juan Capistrano, members of Skydivers Over Sixty, Jumpers Over Seventy and Women Skydivers Over Sixty returned to Skydive Perris in California. The event kicked off on April 19 with the JOS formation skydiving record attempts. The group had 37 registered participants and was poised to smash the existing world record of 25, but weather ruined their chances of success.
Next up were the WSOS attempts. Fourteen participants—Betty Bennett, Valerie Estabrook, Sharron Fielding, Louise Gallan, Nancy Gruttman-Tyler, Cheryl Johnson, Carol Jones, Diana Kruchten, Elena Mikheda, Lori Mitchell, Alicia Moorehead, Jean Szkaradek, Paula Thues and Marilyn Wuest—easily made a two-point 14-way, which set both the Parachutists Over Phorty Society and SOS Tiny Broadwick Memorial World Record for Largest Women’s Formation Skydive. The ladies were all set to go up and beat their own record by adding another point, but once again weather proved to be an issue.
As a tribute to the WSOS World Record, four members of the Jumpers Over Eighty Society—John Dalessio, Jerry Fischer, Pat Moorehead and Ed VanDerPas—set the JOES World Record for Largest Two-Point Formation Skydive. They then joined the ladies for the celebration. Finally, the SOS group took its shot at a record. The 79 participants had a chance at breaking the 75-way SOS World Record but fell just a few grips short on each jump.
Carol Jones | D-17918
Alpine, Wyoming