Photo above: Tom (left) and Harv Selway stand ready for a five-minute call, fifty years ago and today (below).
It’s not uncommon for family members to enjoy skydiving together. I’ve been fortunate to have my son involved for the past 16 years, as well as my brother Tom, who has had his wife and two kids jump together for years. This marks the 50th year that Tom and I have been jumping, which is uncommon, as most people move into and out of the sport for different reasons.
Fifty years ago, we were jumping with the old York Skydivers in Pennsylvania. I had a T-10 in an old military container while Tom was looking dapper with a Pioneer 3 and French Papillion. He also had hair. A high jump (7,200 feet AGL) broke the bank at $3.50, and you had to plan weeks in advance to go up to 12,500 feet AGL for $5.
Now we’re a couple of old guys, belly flyers for the most part (though Tom is a pretty good sit-flyer), still at it punching holes through the air. Thankfully, we’ve upgraded our gear, which probably enabled us to stay in the sport with functioning knees and ankles.
It’s an amazing sport for sure. Still amazing to me that we’re still at it together. A couple of old geezers both over 70, having some fun.
Harv Selway | D-30615
York, Pennsylvania