Above:From left: Lindsay Waters, Claire Badger, Elyssa Ruff and Julie Kleinwort are stoked after a Pink Mafia Sisterhood jump with the famous Barbie.
Meadow Peak Skydiving | August 6-14, 2022
Photos by Mark Kirschenbaum/Hypoxic

Tandem instructor Franck Eloffe exits with student Tony Farag during the boogie.

Danielle Grindle gives the horns over McGregor Lake.

A 17-way formation comes together over Lost Prairie.

Organizer Regan Tetlow (yellow) lays base for an 11-way formation.

Dan Blackwelder (left) touches Barry Shepherd’s toe during a 2-way freefly skydive.

Skydiving and sunshine make Evan Fossen and Marshal Van Ness very happy.

From left: Mark Ehrmantraut, Chazi Rutz and Barry Shepherd have a fantastic time over gorgeous Montana.

Spectators watch as Sean Horton lands a colorful eel.

A 7-way hybrid organized by Chazi Rutz forms over the drop zone.