The weekend of April 28-29, Skydive Suffolk in Virginia hosted the Magical Neon Rampage, a Sisters in Skydiving event. Load organizers Carlye Barto and Chazi Blacksher focused on individual skills in group settings. The ladies earned sweet jerseys and leggings from Kua Sky and scored a neckie courtesy of Kua Sky in their boogie bags. A few participants met for dinner after jumping on Saturday and enjoyed talking about the day’s jumps over wine and chocolate chip cookies.
During the event, even Barbie made a few skydives to initiate ladies into the Pink Mafia Sisters. The initiated ladies then registered online to gain their PMS numbers. In addition, Bri Baker celebrated her 400th jump on Sunday by leading a multi-discipline skydive. Skydive Suffolk has a lovely fun-jumper hangar and great local crew who were genuinely supportive of the SIS event.
Chazi Blacksher | D-28539
Eloy, Arizona