Above: The belly flyers celebrate their success.

The belly group sets the Wisconsin TBS record. Photos by Elliot Byrd
July 7-9, nearly 80 skydivers from across the country gathered at Skydive Midwest in Sturtevant, Wisconsin, in an attempt to set multiple state skydiving records. Resident teams NEXT (formation skydiving) and Chemtrails (vertical formation skydiving) organized the two groups of jumpers.
NEXT coordinated a group of 38 for a total-break sequential jump, which requires a 100% grip release between formations. The flyers would be the first to achieve this type of record in the state of Wisconsin. A TBS is one of the more challenging records to achieve, since it requires jumpers to manage their fall rate and proximity with precision during the breaks. On the last jump of day two, NEXT’s group achieved a Wisconsin State Record with a two-point 38-way total-break sequential formation skydive (the third-largest TBS state record)!
The Chemtrails’ group worked on a head-up record, starting with a team of 38. The skills required for this type of record take a long time to develop, making it one of the more difficult records to attempt. The group achieved a 27-way head-up formation on day 3, eclipsing the previous state record of 16 set at Skydive Midwest in 2021.
This is the second time Skydive Midwest has hosted freefly and belly records simultaneously, and the formula continued to be a winning one. The success was made even more rewarding by seeing both communities support one another and celebrate together.
Megan George | D-32927
Burlington, Wisconsin