A Message to Our Members Regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic

Published on Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Message to Our Members Regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic

USPA remains committed to serving our membership during this growing pandemic. USPA is still on its normal schedule—9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday—and staff members in all departments are still performing their usual functions (some at headquarters and some remotely) and are available to answer members’ questions and concerns either electronically or by telephone. However, our headquarters building in Fredericksburg, Virginia, is closed to visitors.

As we hope you can understand, USPA is not a source for health-related information and is unable to monitor government mandates for every locality. Therefore, we cannot advise drop zones or skydivers as to whether to continue skydiving. Drop zones with questions about whether or how to remain open should contact their state, local and federal health agencies for guidance. Skydivers with questions about individual DZ operations should contact the DZ directly for information. (DZ contact information is available at https://uspa.org/dzlocator.)

We will continue to update our membership on how this pandemic is affecting skydiving and the specific steps USPA will take to assist as the fallout from the crisis becomes more clear.

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Author: USPA Staff

Categories: Homepage, Industry News

Tags: March 2020


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Photo by Alex Swindle

Tara Niles-Carmichael (left) puts a piece on a Mrs. Potato Head that Courtney Wilson holds during A Skydive with Dragons, a Sisters in Skydiving boogie at Skydive Arizona in Eloy.




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