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Robert Tomany, D-9376, caught this of his sister Nancy right after her first jump in tandem with Richard Linden over the Seagoville, TX drop zone.
Greg Miklasiewicz, C-12423, of Fairfax, VA, captured this classic of a competition landing at this year's U.S. Para-Ski Nationals. This year, he went to observe; next year, he says he'll compete.
Jumpers from Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisana fly a 10-way star over the Mississippi River. Photographer Steve Wood, D-11234, took this shot during a Helio Stallion Boogie over the West Memphis, AK DZ last March.
Denny Gainor (known to his many friends as Bear) set this shot of himself up from a boom attached to the basket of a balloon over Southern California. Gainor jumps with the California Aerial Performance Parachute Team.
Mike McGowan captures the graceful and daring Sandra Williams suspended on a trapeze below her teammate Marsha Buckentin. The two Floridians perform with the Misty Blues skydiving exhibition team nationwide. According to Buckentin, how to perform the trapeze trick is a "team secret."
Brian LeSchander, D-10442, snapped this photo of Jerry Kessler, D-5192, on a dead center approach during an accuracy and RW meet at the Rochester, NY Skydivers DZ.
Leo Dickinson of Griswold, England took this picture of jumpers leaving from a Casa 212 over Spain. Courtesy: British Parachute Association.
Michigan skydiver, pilot and stained glass artist Patte Alsterberg originally conceived this month's cover design as a glass etching to commemorate skydiving's role in the 1988 Summer Olympics.
Thomas Adamski provided this photo of his friends Chapin Strickland, D-10158, and Patty Kerns, D-10652, joining freestyle Ts over Northampton, MA.
Kim Llewellyn is a graphic designer and sculptor working in New York City. She is the designer of this year's Nationals and Para-ski logos. A USPA member, Kim completed her AFF training in April, 1988 and now has 70 jumps.
Paul Landry, D-5684, supplied us with this shot of Gus Evans, D-6065, (white canopy, bottom of the top triplane) celebrating his 2000th jump with a triplane diamond over Lodi, CA. Each triplane is piloted by a member of 1987's CRW champion 4-way sequential team, Slam Factor.
Mike McGowan, D-5709, submitted this point of view of Brigitte Hallett, D-9375, (foreground), and Mike Raible, D-5495, exiting the Freefall Express Twin Otter in formation with DC-3 Mr. Douglas and the Pilatus Porter Turbo Mingo over Skydive DeLand, FL. (See story on page 22.)
Jan Davis, D-11120, Cathy Conklin, D-9073, and Gary Wirth, D-8986, frolic in an azure Illinois sky before the camera of frequent cover contributor Tom Sanders, D-6503.
Bob Tomany, D-9376, USPA's official photograher for the 1988 Para-ski Nationals, caught this shot of a competitior shooting accuracy in the snow. Tomany overwhelmed headquarters with ninety 8 x 10 magnificent color prints that he individually processed, over 400 more on proofsheets and two rolls worth of black-and-white snapshots. His fine contribution can be futher explored in the accompanying report beginning on page 38.
Long-time contributing photographer Gus Wing, D-7117, submitted this photo of Mike Vordo, D-9792, under canopy over the Orange, VA drop zone. Wing was also a contributor to the "Tunnel Boogie" event featured in this issue, beginning on page 36.
John Hagdorn of Lauderdale Lakes, FL snapped this photograph of Chieko Alford alighting in the peas at Air Adventures in Clewiston, FL. This was one of the many excellent shots submitted to the 1987 Photoshootist contest.
Peter Degerfeldt of Sweden, featured in last month's issue of PARACHUTIST for his descent by parachute from Mt. Everest, is also the winner of the 1987 Parashootist Photo Contest in the air-to-air category. Degerfeldt wins a complete new skydiving system for this shot of himself exiting a Pitts Special biplane piloted by Orvar Bergvall. More contest winners are featured in this issue, beginning on page 16.
Simon Ward, a professional photographer and skydiver from Great Britain, submitted this shot of the British Royal Marine CRW Team. Well known in his native land and in Europe, Ward was one of several photographers who covered the world record 126-way in Belgium last year. He has also contributed to USPA's annual calendar for the last two years.
Keith Eisberg was among the U.S. contingent at the World Championships of Relative Work in Brazil in late September. His cover photograph shows the gold medal winning U.S. 8-way team transitioning between two of their record-setting 131 points. Below the Golden Knights is Rio Iguacu, which forms the border between Brazil and Argentina.
Tom Sanders was part of the American contingent which visited Seoul, South Korea for the World Cup of Champions in late September. This shot was taken by Sanders during one of the practice RW demonstration jumps into the Olympic Stadium, which will be the site of many of next year's Summer Olympic events. More details on the South Korea trip appear in the At Presstime section on page 30.