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March 1969 Cover   (Mar 1969) Featured Photos Covers

Ralph Minnarich shot this sunset silhouette with a 16 mm gun camera (over Elsinore, California) and blew it up through an internegative process. The jumper is Jeep Gehrighty.

February 1969 Cover   (Feb 1969) Featured Photos Covers

Doug Goff of the USMA shot this striking composition of silhouettes during the NCPL Meet at Zephyrhills, Florida.

January 1969 Cover   (Jan 1969) Featured Photos Covers

Steve Duell leads out a load of Wisconsin's "Sky Knights" SPC in this unique chase-plane shot by Heinz Kultmeier of the Milwaukee Sentinel.

Development of the Rogallo Flexible Wing By CPT James E Garvey, U.S. Army   (Dec 1968) Features

Francis Rogallo, who had the original idea of using the “ wing” as a device to not only lower an object safely to earth but to allow man the ability to “ fly” longer between deployment and ground impact, has been working with this pro­ject since 1945. 

Bob Buquor Memorial Star Crest By Bill Newell   (Dec 1968) Features

The Star Crest Emblem (eight-man star patch) stems from an idea that came to mind last year for the promotion of rela­tive work on a more refined scale and to commemorate the efforts of the late Bob Buquor who played a major role in the origin of star formation relative work.

December 1968 Cover   (Dec 1968) Featured Photos Covers

Henry Gonzales, a member of the Latin Skydivers, displays lots of Christmas color in this month's cover photo by Allen Silver.

November 1968 Cover   (Nov 1968) Featured Photos Covers

Shooting from a chase plane, Stan Kreiser catches members of the Air Force Academy Parachute Team jumping an Air Commando C-123K over Colorado.

October 1968 Cover   (Oct 1968) Featured Photos Covers

Members of the U.S. Parachute Team hit the target at Bad Kreuznach, Germany, during practice en route to the World Meet.  Photo by Chip Maury

August 1968 Cover   (Aug 1968) Homepage Featured Photos Covers

Sam Alexander captures a moment of flashing sun, refreshing sky, and the comradeship of accomplishment high above the Taft, California, DZ.

July 1968 Cover   (Jul 1968) Featured Photos Covers
June 1968 Cover   (Jun 1968) Homepage Featured Photos Covers

Navy photographer Dale Hyder, who was stationed in Hawaii in June of 1968, captured this colorful composition of canopies at the Kanuia DZ where he frequently jumped. Hyder obviously had a passion for photography but was also an active skydiver who qualified to compete in the 1968 Nationals. 

May 1968 Cover   (May 1968) Homepage Featured Photos Covers

Tony Bardell of the Seattle Sky Divers, flying alongside in Jack Ady's PT-22, shot this sequence of some of the Seattle bunch nonchalantly departing a Howard on floats.
