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Byrd’s Eye Studio Hosts Camera Camp   (Jun 2024) Gear & Industry Spotlight
Riggers Begin Using Lead-Seal Alternatives   (Jun 2024) Industry News
Shadow of the Moon   (Jun 2024) Features Photo Spread
Safety Check | Awareness and Vigilance in Landing Areas   (Jun 2024) Safety & Training Safety Check
June 2024 Cover   (Jun 2024) Featured Photos Covers

Photo by Stuart Schoenfeld | D-26814

J.C. Colclasure swoops the pond at Deep Woods Ranch near Skydive DeLand in Florida during the bi-annual Flight-1 Instructors Forum.

Centerspread   (Jun 2024) Featured Photos Centerspread

At the beginning of the season at USPA International Affiliate Skydive Switzerland in Reichenbach, Albert Neukomm (left) takes the skills he learned from his tunnel instructor, Marius Portmann (right), to the sky.

Monica Noncheva | D-36387   (Jun 2024) People Profiles
World Skydiving Day is July 13!   (May 2024) Recent News Homepage USPA
Canadians Invade Arizona   (May 2024) People
Safety Check | Finding Out What You Don’t Know   (May 2024) Safety & Training Safety Check
How Skydiving Changed My Life | Continuing His Story   (May 2024) People How Skydiving Changed My Life
Building Better Canopy Control with Four Basic Tools   (May 2024) Features Safety & Training
Congress Passes FAA Reauthorization Bill   (May 2024) Industry News Homepage USPA
Keep an Eye Out | Bridle Wear   (May 2024) Safety & Training Keep An Eye Out
Back-tracking | Love is in the Air   (May 2024) Featured Photos