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The USPA Board of Directors rescheduled its summer meeting and USPA General Membership Meeting, originally set for July 10-12, to September 18-20.
The International Skydiving Museum has rescheduled its Hall of Fame Celebration for the class of 2020, originally planned for October 8-10, to April 22-24, 2021.
Skydivers Over Sixty had planned to hold its 20th annual Record Week at Skydive Perris in California in May.
Tim Carothers models the latest in 2020 fashions on the way to altitude on re-opening weekend at Skydive Chicago in Ottawa, Illinois.
From July 1-31, USPA members in the Pacific Region have the opportunity to vote in a special election to fill the vacancy created when previous Pacific Regional Director Brett Martin relocated out of the region.
In May, Carl Rosander from Hayesville, North Carolina, became the 2,400th skydiver to join the growing ranks of Skydivers Over Sixty.
From left: Matt Congdon, Keith Jones, Chris Haslam, Colin Conway and Scott Robinson enjoy a canopy flock at Skydive Midwest in Sturtevant, Wisconsin, the weekend after quarantine lifted.
My second jump of the day, an 8-way formation skydive, was uneventful until I tracked away and pulled.
Should jumpers who die inside skydiving aircraft be counted as skydiving fatalities?
The D license represents that the holder has earned and demonstrated the highest level of expertise in our sport and is a master parachutist.
Pablo Hernandez, D-29869, is a highly accomplished Spanish canopy pilot whose father taught him how to jump at a young age.
“Ski and Donna Dive the Hills” Acrylic on canvas
Ebby Boehm | D-9410 Bradenton, Florida
Over the years, USPA has amassed a stunning record of helping to establish DZs on airports of all sizes and activity levels, from sleepy one-runway airports to airports with control towers and airline service.
Photo by Daniel Schiermeyer | D-31153
Near the end of a beautiful day, Jurga Berry exits a helicopter at Skydive Carolina in Chester, South Carolina.
As of the June 15, 2020, deadline, eight USPA members will appear on the ballot in the upcoming special election to fill the remainder of the Pacific Regional Director’s term on the USPA Board of Directors.
We asked 16 camera flyers—those who have consistently contributed dazzling images to this magazine over the years—to send us one photo that speaks to what skydiving means to them and that would inspire our readers upon their return to the sport they love.