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Meet the Executive Director—Albert Berchtold | D-27832 A USPA Staff Report   (Jan 2021) Homepage Features
Safety Check | Sound Judgment By Ron Bell   (Jan 2021) Safety & Training Safety Check

Often, USPA receives incident reports that describe a chain of bad decisions that led to an injury. Many of these reports recount instances where a jumper spent far too long working on something that felt fixable but wasn’t. So, it is refreshing to receive a report that ends with the words, “I stayed altitude aware, trusted my training and had a safe, smooth landing.”

Rating Corner | Hand-Camera Hazards   (Jan 2021) Safety & Training The Rating Corner

Tandem instructors began using hand-mounted video cameras (aka handcams or handicams) in the last 20 years or so, and in the last decade, their use has become commonplace.

Keep an Eye Out | Leg-Strap Damage   (Jan 2021) Safety & Training Keep An Eye Out

While inspecting a rig prior to a reserve repack, a Federal Aviation Administration Senior Rigger discovered that the yellow indicator threads on the webbing of the leg straps were severed.

January 2021 Cover   (Jan 2021) Featured Photos Covers

Photo by Randy Forbes | D-10858

James Davis dives toward a building formation during the Wuest Ways event at Skydive Perris in California.

USPA and Seed Filmworks Present "Save Our Sky"   (Dec 2020) Homepage

This 20-minute documentary shares the stories of all those who call Dillingham Airfield home and conveys what will be lost if the Hawaii legislature chooses to close the airfield.
It takes just ONE MINUTE to send an email to Hawaii legislators asking them to save Dillingham Airfield. We have made taking action easy by setting up a form for skydivers, aviators and Hawaii residents here:

Melissa Lowe Elected USPA National Director   (Dec 2020) Industry News
Nancy Koreen | D-18240 By Brian Giboney   (Dec 2020) People Profiles

Nancy Koreen, D-18240, is a world-record-setting skydiver and freefly load organizer with more than 9,800 jumps to her credit. She has also worked behind the scenes to promote skydiving in myriad ways, rarely taking any credit.

A Quarter Century of Service—USPA Says Farewell to Executive Director Ed Scott By Nancy Koreen   (Dec 2020) Features

Twenty-five years is no small amount of anyone’s lifetime. A quarter of a century. Roughly one-third of the lifespan of an average American male. And the number of years Ed Scott has dedicated to the U.S. Parachute Association, the sport of skydiving and skydivers across the United States and around the world.

Rating Corner | The Thin Gray Line—Did you Cross it? By Ray Lallo   (Dec 2020) Safety & Training The Rating Corner

There can never be a blanket definition of where that thin gray line is, since we all have different ideas of what is and is not offensive.

Gearing Up By Ed Scott   (Dec 2020) Gearing Up

This is my 144th and final Gearing Up column since becoming USPA’s Executive Director in December 2007.

How Skydiving Changed My Life By Spencer Hopp   (Dec 2020) People How Skydiving Changed My Life

Ever since I was a little kid, doctors told me that I would be limited to certain activities because I was born with spina bifida. I never even entertained the idea of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, and anyway, skydiving was something that terrified me. That all would change after going to Skydive Perris in California.

Tales from the Bonfire | Flying Backwards, PLF, Explosion By Sandy Harper-Calliham   (Dec 2020) People Tales from the Bonfire
Safety Check | Ron Bell’s Letter to Santa By Ron Bell   (Dec 2020) Safety & Training Safety Check

This year, my wish list is all about the basics that make skydiving safer.

Keep an Eye Out | Missing Reserve Ripcord   (Dec 2020) Safety & Training Keep An Eye Out

When a jumper inspected his United Parachute Technologies Vector after receiving a reserve repack, he noticed that his rigger had neglected to secure the reserve ripcord to the reserve pin.

Centerspread By Kevin Latz | C-48875   (Dec 2020) Featured Photos Centerspread

Kelly Turbeville and Erika Schneid freefly at Skydive Carolina in Chester, South Carolina.

December 2020 Cover   (Dec 2020) Featured Photos Covers

Photo by Craig Amrine | D-23425

Vanessa Larroca participates in the Flips and Shenanigans freestyle event and competition at Skydive Arizona in Eloy.

Executive Director Update November 2020   (Nov 2020) Top News Industry News

Incoming Executive Director Albert Berchtold updates USPA members on matters of the organization. Learn more at OR Blue Skies!

National Director Special Election Begins!   (Nov 2020) Features

Voting is now open for the special election to fill a National Director vacancy on the USPA Board of Directors.
